Welcome to the Child and Parent Centre – Gosnells; a vibrant, happy hub for families with children 0 to 8 years offering parenting workshops, child and maternal health services, playgroups, early learning programs, counselling and family support. We tailor our services to meet the specific needs of families living in Gosnells and Huntingdale. The Child and Parent Centre – Gosnells is managed by Centrecare in partnership with Gosnells Primary School.
Our aim is to help families make the best of the early years. We offer playgroups where children can learn and grow as well as lots of programs to help your child’s development. The playgroups for all ages up to 4 years including Little Wrigglers for babies up to 12 months, Toddler Time for children 1-2 years and a universal playgroup for 0–4-years. Our transition to Kindy playgroup – Little Learners is offered to families who will be attending our host or associated schools the following year. There are also targeted playgroups facilitated by other services including LINKS Playgroup facilitated by the Autism Association of WA. Please contact the Centre for more information about these playgroups.
Alongside our early learning activities, we also offer a variety of parenting programs including Positive Parenting Program (Triple P), Circle of Security, 1-2-3 Magic, First Aid, Toilet Training, Food Sensations and Protective Behaviours, to name but a few.
The Child and Parent Centre – Gosnells staff, Audrey, Marnie, Janie and Lisa along with the Child Health Nurses, Rachael, and Esther and our Speech Pathologist Jackie, encourage all families from the local community and surrounding schools in Gosnells and Huntingdale to visit our Centre. Child Health offers a drop-in service for weighing babies on Wednesday mornings from 11am-12pm – No bookings required. An immunisation clinic is offered every second Wednesday. For more information and to make bookings, call 6151 1308.
To make an appointment with one of our Child Health Nurses, call 1300 749 869.
We enjoy working together to create a safe and happy learning environment for children and help and support to their families. We look forward to seeing you at our Centre soon for a catch up and a cuppa.
For further information, including times of activities and workshops please telephone 9398 8720, email CPCGosnells@centrecare.com.au.